Love and Cancer

Love and Cancer

Sunday, 3 June 2012

day 11. updates

day 7 - Wednesday 30th May 2012

Went to visit Richard, He was doing really well today. Wearing some of those weird socks for bed which make him look really funny :) Didn't sleep much last night. A bit worried about everything that is going to happen and vise versa. Had a chat with richard today. 

Richard spying on me out of the hospital window - only bonus if being stuck in the que is the fact that i can look up and spy on richard he he he :P
makes the waiting time so much more exciting.

getting this picture from richard has made me smile tonight !!

Day 9 - Friday 1st June 
Back to see Richard to day, again hes doing really well its fabulous :)

What a day, so richard was doing really well and we were having a good day watching gossip girl which was fun. Ended up having one of our little arguments again about everything... god know how we ended up on that but luckily, richard has learnt to give up and be nice rather than wind me up and keep annoying and upsetting me!! i can't be more pleased, means less arguing and more happy times :). 

richard having a top up in ....

Day 11 -

Richard is doing really well. His nurse Charlie said,  it's because he's been drinking everyday, eaten, and done something every day. Some patients just go in and all they do is sleep. There was a girl who did the same as richard, and she was out with 14 days after her transplant and is now doing really well. So, it's all good news really. 
Been and spent the afternoon, evening with richard today. He's shaved all of his hair off today as it was all falling out. He has a couple of little red marks on his head which he is on antibiotics for. Richard got some good news todays, his counts have started to come back up, where they will stop for bit and the start again. It takes a total of 3 months for the new cells to take over his body. If the cells rush up too quickly then it means his own system is now allowing the transplant to work which is what we don't want to happen. So just fingers crossed. He's still at low levels, so he's at high risk if catching any infections ect. 

Spent the day watching The Queens Jubilee celebrations on tv. Watching the boats and then the horse display tonight. Poor Richard was all tired and worn out tonight. He got all upset when Joss stones sang 'aint no mountain high enough' we last saw this song being sang at his dads funeral and even i got all sad too. Think a few tears did him good. I know how much he really misses his dad, and i so wish i could make it all go away for him. Poor boy.

Bank Holiday Mondat tomorrow so off to work i go, back to see richard on tuesday at some point :)

night x

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