After another 3 months of more waiting around we finally got some answers and were finally getting some where. As much as I want it done sooner than later, there is a big part of me that isn't ready to do all of this all all over again.
The appointment was pretty much a blur, I knew that if it wasn't this appointment it would have been in 3 months time. I kinda already knew what was coming, well in some ways.
So, They have basically decided to put Richard through to his Transplant, well its entirely up to him but they are pushing him to have it now rather than later.
Richard has got an area in his chest some where deep in side which has been showing up on his recent visits for the past 6-9 months, and on this appointment they have also found a new one right inside behind his stomach. Its still too small to do a biopsy and if they do, there is a big chance they can miss. If they do catch it and it is lymphoma (cancer) then he will have to recover before they can go ahead with the transplant which means wasting time and could be too late. So, because the doctors and nurses are 95% certain it is lymphoma, they don't see the point in waiting for the extra 5% and would rather crack on with the transplant now. If he has it now he's less likely to need any chemotherapy to get rid of the cancer he has. If they were to wait, any time his lymphoma could explode and go crazy, which would mean he would need lots of horrible treatment first before the transplant. seeing you loved one go through chemo is the worse thing you can see, it's horrible seeing how poorly they get. I would never want him to do it again and loose his hair. It was so heartbreaking.
I know deep down this transplant is the right thing to do. ( i do) its just that he will be in hospital for about 6 weeks and then when he comes home he wont be allowed out the house for 6 months. It's such a long time, and the sligest illness or cold is a big no, anything illness then we have to keep away from his as he will have no immune system and wont be able to fight and can die. It all sounds so scary, how ever i did it last time and i know what to expect this time around. I'm more prepared but I'm not ready. It's all happening too quickly, before i know it our normal life wont exist and i will be visiting him back in hospital, and he will get poorly again. I feel like we need to do as much as we can, but he's so unwell at the moment with her hernia, he's so miserable he doesn't want to do anything or go out. Seeing some one so bubbly and happy to this is really sad too. Cancer changes everything, and no matter how hard you try nothing stops it, and it's always in your mind. I will never understand what he is going though, but then my friends and other people will never understand what I'm going through unless they have been there.
It's so hard to believe that such horrible and long things can happen to some one so young at the most important time of their life. It seems to be one thing after another, and keeping positive seems to be harder than ever when its another bad thing and then another. Life is so unfair and Richard is the best. amazing, wonderful persin that i have ever known. he doesn't deserve any of this, and it's so sad watching go through it all, struggling and trying to be strong. In a way I think it makes our relationship bond a lot stronger than most peoples, because you learn appreciate what you have and make the most of what you do have. It's hard, it's never been easy but I'm determinded to help him get better no matter what.
We have a month to make the most of what we can do until his next appointment, which i guess they will go through the transplant ect. Richard has an appointment next week for a camera to go down his throat so they can see how his hernia is going and they are going to take some biopsies too. Wish us Luck.
My Richard.
On holiday in Portugal.