Love and Cancer

Love and Cancer

Thursday, 27 October 2011


I can't believe how so sudden everything has gone so bad and how things have changed so quickly. Richards Transplant appointment was brought forward to today and now they are keeping him in :( im so so sad. But, in a way i guess i already knew it. There is no time left and now we cant make the most of our last free time together and not it's going to be a long time until we get to do it again :(

He went to the hospital yesterday for a reassurance check up, They said his heart was under strain and that he needed a CT scan which was okay as he was allowed home. My poor head is all over the place and I don't know what to do. Doesn't help knowing that I am all alone tonight but on the plus side my siblings and parents will be home tomorrow so that shall keep me going.

We don't have any last happy moment photo memories or anything :( Last time before his transplant we went to the seaside together and had a wonderful day with each other. And this time we didn't do anything yet this transplant is a lot more risker than that last one :(

Sad Lou lou.

our day at the sea side before richards last transplant. 

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