It's been a right tough old week. Richard is still poorly, hoping he would be home now but he's developed some fungus growing infection on his lungs. So he's on more drugs, more fluid drug drip and you name it.
I also went to visit my grandad in prison the other day. He went to prison for something he didn't even do. We have the most corrupted police in the country. It's disgusting at how they can get away with things. Shame out barrisor and solitors are too sacred to challenge them really! But we have so that's going to be good point or ward. I was really pleased to see him, going to visit some one in prison isn't exactly a normal thing to do. Not in the background that I has grown up in. It's always been a film// soap things and never something you actually think you would end up doing. It's a very interesting experience to Learn. The whole visiting and everything you har to do. Must say we did look really odd out. With our offending any one but we just looked to posh to be there. We're not at all. We're well brought up and the people there are the ones that come some rough back ground, for what ever reason that is. I don't like or dislike them. Everyone had there own life and its such a shame to see people who have been brought up to be in that bad situation and end up in prison.they could have such a goo life if they had the chance to of had that. It's just weird, you look around and wonder why. It was a bit sad to seems grandad in there. He just isn't the norm type to be in and yeah he is being well looked after. Just hope he comes home soon.
Had a poorly goose down the farm, tried so hard to save him. Even spent the past two nights in be with me. He wouldn't settle unless with me. Really bonded with him and sadly he does yesterday. Which was also the day I had to take a trip in the Ambulance with grandma. She hasn't been very well the past two weeks and they bought she has had a couple of mini stokes so they wanted her to be sent to the hospital to have a Ct scan. Tura out she had a bleed on the brain. We spent all night at the hospital with grandma. Didn't get home till gone midnight. They then called me at 12.30 to say she was going to Nottingham to have an operation. We heard to say that she has got a bloody clot on the the brain, it's pushing down which jas made her funny and speak funny. Good news ry because there going to operate today and then she will have a drainage on for a few days. There is a possibility she will make a full recovery but if not she will be much enter than she is ATM so that's really good. Let's jut hope the surgary goes really well. She's a tough old lady she really is.
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