Love and Cancer

Love and Cancer

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

It's been a while...

It's been a while since I have written on here, so I am really sorry to all my
Fellow readers. Things have been going up and down like a yo to at the moment and it seems to be one thing after another. Poor old RichArd has been in and out of hospital, has been really poorly and doesn't appear to be getting any better either. My grandma is having a tough old time with out grandpa and has been transferred from Leicester hospital to a care village in town. She's hates it with a  passion. My poor old granddad was sent to prison for something he hasn't even done. Now I'll only tell you once,just watch your back, no one is this world is any good. We Live in a very cruel world and unfortunately the society has become all about money and greed, rather than care and goodness. Shame really. You cant even trust your own solitor anymore. Think I would much rather of lived back in the old days where people appreciated what they had and everyone looked after one and another. It's very rare anything like that happens anymore.

Anyway, when Richard had his cell infusion a few months ago, he fell quiet poorly and didn't feel right. He ended up in hospital with chest infection, which made him poorly but he also ended up with liver and pancrease problems. Basically, they thought the radiotherapy had inflamed them up as the lymphoma is right near his liver. He was in hospital for good 2 weeks and took forever to find out what the problem was, I don't really think they got to the bottom of it either or really knew what it is. He was going to have no ends of things done, then things were changed, even a liver biopsy which they then felt wasn't necessary in the end. Which he ended up having today... Anyway, his liver started to improve so he was then allowed to go home. Not long after that he was admitted in again.

I must admit it's been very  sad. In a way I kinda thought it was going to be this way. Even when they told us he was nearly in remission it didn't feel so true. I just knew it wasn't the end, but it's not going I can go talking about. People will tell me to stop being negative or stop saying silly things but when you've been in this situation for so long, you kinda just know, you get the gut feeling. It's very hard to explain, I'm sure some people who have been in the same situation would probably understand what I mean. I see and hear about people going through one or a couple of treatments and get the all clear and it's so weird to think that it so easy to cure them but not others. Why? So many questions and do many answers they don't know. Why this person and not that one?

Richards Liver biopsy all went okay today, was horrible as there is a risk you can bleed to death in this situation. Scary things. He'd had to stay in as well, so could be another couple of weeks before he comes home knowing my luck. It's so hard having to work around a cancer boyfriend, it;s not easy. plans never go ahead, he's always poorly, things always change. It's really hard. A big miracle would be perfect right now.m 

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