Love and Cancer

Love and Cancer

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Good night ginger nut.

Feeling a little sad today, more like an emtional monkey. Just when I
Really can't think anything could get any worse, my poor ginger nut died
She was a floppy eared rabbit, big and cuddly, saying that since she got a little bit older she wasn't so
Keen on being picked up. She liked being in her own space and making lots of thumping nosies. She had a temper like a stroppy teenager, very fussy with what she ate, a bit like me
She was brought for me my my little sister as baby, I recently had a girl called blossom,
Who died suddenly of a fright. She wasn't a replacement but she helped me heal broken heart after the awful guilt feeling of blaming myself over blossom. She cheered me up no
Ends and watching her grow was
Fun- shed always be eating my wires and cables- am surprised she never got an electric shock. She ate the buttons out of my controller and would wee on my bed in the same spot. She was a little monkey.

Today I found her dead- she was fine one minute and dead the next- I can't work out what happened to her. I couldn't spend much time looking at her either because, it was so warm the flies were hovering over her and were laying eggs on her. It was so horrible,
Couldn't give her a big cuddle as she was all stretched out and hard. She's one big rabbit tok which doesn't help-
Got her buried and now she's at rest. Hope she finds woody and all the other animals from my garden.
My garden is now officially an animal
Cemetery, not only fish, guinea pigs, rabbits but lambs and woody too,
Not to mention any other pets from
Previous house owners. I burried her next to Apollo- he was a big fluffy white rabbit which lived for years and years- he grew up with us kids. Free ranged and loved being under the hair dryer :) normally this would
Scare most rabbits, but he was one of
A kind. I'll never forget him.
We also have tango under the tree next to them, belonged to Laura. With woody i have, fudge hogan- he was a funny little guinea pig, smudge, my black rabbit, he died at about 5 years old, splash who belonged to mum and died suddenly one day too and then blossom. The other side of woody is gorge, he was a Blackmore fish who turned orange, he was really Kool. Next to him is caramel and then cadbury, both hamsters.
These have all been the main animal in my life over the past 10 years of
Not that.
I've become such a animal lover, I always was, but since being older and being the only kid at home, having animals gave me some company. It was good fun, they all seemed to bond together in there times together.
Fudge, smudge, splash and tango for example were all here in woodsy era,
Once he went, the others went one by one. Now I hope they are running round the garden having so much fun:)

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