Love and Cancer

Love and Cancer

Monday, 25 June 2012

2 weeks today.

So, just when you think everything is going well, it actually goes bang and goes the other way. On Friday night I had this horrible dream that Richard was really poorly- i was convinced it was true, that when I woke up I was really confused.

Anyway, Saturday night I went to stay with Richard. He was apparently up most of the night on the toilet with a funny tummy, now my dream was coming true. I tried to get him to phone the hospital but he was convinced that he was okay- when he has his mind set on some thing, that's it. You can't do anything to change it, he's so stubborn, sometimes I want to give him a big kick up the back side.
So we managed some sausages for breakfast- which I have to say where amazing :) and he appeared to be okay for most of the day.

I left him at 3 with chilbo, and headed to work- he was okay for most of that too. Started to feel a little roughy later on but he felt okay so went to bed. That was left at that... Well, I didn't expect to be waking up to a night full of messages.
Poor boy, been on the loo all night and was feeling really poory. Rang the hospital, and waited for them to ring back. Sad news, they told him to go i, so he goes and wakes Alan up and they head over. He gets seen, had some blood tests ect, cant find anything wrong so sent him home. That was okay as he was due to g bak in for his check up appointment. I knew he's be kept in, and I was right. Check up appointment when he fianly made it, they kept him in and he's luckily been placed on the bone marrow unit. Looks like he will be there for at least 5 days and the most annoying bit is, that I won't be able to see him until he is home. I hate being skint and having no money. it's rubbish.
Oh well- not heard any news on Richard. Just he was on some drip ad waiting for results which I guess the doctors will do in the morning.

I shall update when I know :) I'm off to bed. I've got a very busy long week.


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