Love and Cancer

Love and Cancer

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Another week. again.

Time keeps flying by and i can't seem to find much free time to write on here. It's been a really crazy week. Richard had a check up appointment last friday ( a week ago- not yesterday) and he was so un well that they didn't allow him out. I was really sad as i hadn't seen richard since the weekend before and was really looking forward to spending the night with him and then i got a text on my way to work to say "we wouldn't be having cuddles tonight because they are keeping him in". i was so sad. He was admitted in due to his bad breathing. I went to visit him on sunday night after work. I really wanted to see him saturday night but i was heading to a christmas party in remeberence of a man who was killed on his motorbike. It was a good night in the end but i was so egar to see my richard. It's so hard when he is in there because he changes, he doesn't seem to be that fussed with me and well just at home he needs me all the time but when he's in there he dosen't which i hate. I guess he has the nurse doing the job i'd notmally do which kinda feels like im being put out of place,which i know isn't true. it's just because he is now friends with a few of his nurses on facebook so i feel as though things are nore personal rather than nurse and patient. I don't like it and i wont lie. I hate that he emails his nurses on facebook and i don't agree with it but i can't tell him what to do. if he runs off with a nurse then well it's his loss but i doubt that will happen. It's so easy to worry about all the female nurses fussing over him and lookng after him when i'm not there or can't be there. its there job, i know that but a female is protective over there belongings. it's normal right?!?1

anyway so i visted him on sunday and monday and tuesday. Tuesday afternnon was a lovely visit, he was about back to his usual self. very bouncy and very happy, full of energy and being annoying- Ahh The normal Richard is back and i love it. Sadly, that hasn't lasted very long as thursday he was back to how he was and all tired and sleepy, and struggling. i'm sure it all down the fact that he seriously over did it on wednesday, changing his bed, cleaning, tidyng and cooking dinner. I think he has worn him self out.

Thursday night we went to Halaxton manor, the family and close friends go every year. This year was a bit sad because Richard dad wasn't going to be there. Philip who does these events said some lovely words, set a few tears off to a few people, esp richard. But it was such a beautiful night. it was perfect..... 

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