Love and Cancer

Love and Cancer

Sunday, 19 May 2013


My Richard is really poorly with his lung. I am terrified. He says something isn't right inside him. He's so worried and so scared. Its not good. He's must be bad. No matter what he will always keep positive but he's failing todo that at moment. Please make him better please.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

it's my Birthday tomorrow, spending it with out Richard.... Again.

It's my Birthday tomorrow, and yet once again I am spending it a lone with out him :( this is the 3rd birthday of the 4 years we have been together that he has missed. The very first birthday was very hazy, Poor Richard got bad news about his Dad the week before. Where he was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, i remember the text he sent me like it was yesterday. Absolutely heartbreaking, wishing it was all wrong and that they had a made a mistake. I didn't spend an awful lot of time with him, which makes me sad. But he taught me to believe in my self and to go out there and do it. Have Faith and Do it. He was very wise and in a way gave me some confident to do stuff i wouldn't have done. I remember going to the game fair one year, where we went to do some shooting. I was like, no i can't do that and would never do so, but he was like no have a go do it, and it was just so good being pushed to do things and come out of this bubble that i've always been trapped behind. I can see that Richard really misses him, and so do I to be honest. He became a bit of a father role i never had and i do miss his funny comments to this very day.

So,  Last year Richard was in hospital having his stem Cell transplant, and this year is is currently fighting the graft versus host diseases, He's been back in hospital for 5 weeks now. This is becoming his longest stay with in the 4 years of battling his lymphoma. I'm so sad I am missing another birthday with out him again, I just hope that he recovers and we've got plenty of years to make up for everything that we keep missing out on.

Things are so hard for him, he's really struggling and tonight he told me, that if it wasn't for me he wouldn't be  would have given up by now, for some one like him who is so up beat and gets on with it, this is such a sad thing to hear. he;s just getting to the stage where he is so fed up, so grumpy, angry and tired that I can't a;ways cheer him up all the time. :(