Love and Cancer

Love and Cancer

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Good Bye Mr B.

Mr B 

You have been like  a Daddy to me,
I cant thank you enough for everything that you have done for me, especially over the last year.
 You have given me so much courage and support, and have inspired me in so many ways.
 We will miss you very much Mr B.

Bistro live 

Thank you 

Christmas 2010
                                                               the last Christmas together

Another star in the Sky.

Its been a very sad week this week so far,  Poor Mr B passed away peacefully on Saturday Morning.  Mr B is Richards daddy, he was a lovely kind to heart man, He's been like a Dad to me that I've never really had. Mr B was only 59 and for the past 15 months he been battling with Lung cancer, originally he was only given 9-12 months or about that. He's done so well to get so far, it still seems very surreal.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

1 month left...

Its nearly that time again. Time for that appointment when we find out what Richards body is doing. As much as I want this to all be over as soon as, in a way I don't because I feel like we've just about got a normal life, well as normal as it can be for him. I'm not ready to go back to the hospital and for him being poorly, its going to be a long wait this time round too. well,  we have got a good whole month to have some fun yet :) 

Happy photos like these that keep me going every day :)